Celebrate Learning @ Hearst

Thursday, September 14th 11am-12pm ET and 4pm-5pm ET

About the Event

As a part of our Celebrate Learning @ Hearst Series we’d like to welcome you to the Hearst Learning Fair. During this event you will have the opportunity to speak directly with members of Learning Teams across the organization to discover the programs and tools available to you.


There will be two sessions available on September 14th. Attendees do not need to specify which session they are attending when they RSVP. Once you have successfully completed the RSVP form you can log into either or both of the sessions on the day of the event.

Session 1

11 am – 11:15 am ET

Welcome in the digital Hearst Theatre

11:15 am – 12 pm ET

Learning Networking Lounge

  • Fitch Group Learning & Development Team
  • Hearst Information Security Team
  • Hearst Speaks
  • HearstEDGE
  • Homecare Homebase
  • Technology Training and Tech Academy
  • Hearst Talent Development Center of Excellence Team
  • Magazines
  • Newspapers

Session 2

4 pm – 4:15 pm ET

Welcome in the digital Hearst Theatre

4:15 pm – 5 pm ET

Learning Networking Lounge

  • Fitch Group Learning & Development Team
  • Hearst Information Security Team
  • Hearst Speaks
  • HearstEDGE
  • Homecare Homebase
  • Technology Training and Tech Academy
  • Hearst Talent Development Center of Excellence Team
  • Magazines
  • Newspapers

Frequently Asked questions

Yes, you’ll need to fill out our registration form with some basic information to gain access to the event. Click HERE to register.

You do not need to RSVP for a specific session. Once you have RSVP’d to the event you can log in and join either/both sessions on September 14th.

Your login username is the email address provided during registration. There is no password required.

Yes, the vFairs platform is compatible with any computer or mobile device and any browser.

Yes, this event is completely free to attend for Hearst employees. We encourage you to login and connect with Learning Teams across Hearst.

The event will be on demand indefinitely, however we may make updates and changes to the platform periodically. Make sure to keep checking back in to see our newest features in action!